
Strength Training:
15 reasons to lift weights

Why weightlifting is good for you?

Resistance training is one of the best forms of training to integrate to your routine. It brings many benefits contributing to your general and mental health. Ladies, don’t shy away from it, even if it’s often perceived as a male oriented form of training. The benefits are real and for all of us.
Over time, you would feel stronger, sculpt your body and feel more energised. But that’s not it.

Here are some of the aesthetics, physiological, mental and strength benefits that you can get from Strength Training. 

1-Helps to reduce the risk of injuries
By recruiting bigger and stronger muscles to lift and by creating habits of keeping your body in good optimal position (as you would do when lifting weights) you will be able to move things in a safe and more efficient way. 

2-Improves posture, balance, stability and flexibility
Weightlifting will get you into a habit of focusing on your positioning, using your balance & core muscle stabilisation to move objects using your body. This will help you in a daily basis, for instance unloading your shopping, lifting your child, cleaning, moving items around the house etc.

3-Makes you look better
Strength training compared to long cardio helps you build a figure. The process of adding muscle mass and losing fat will help creating a stronger and healthier figure (get lean) you could be proud of. Cardio only will help with weight loss but not reshaping your body or tone.   

4-Ability to see progress over time 
What an amazing feeling is it to reach or overreach a weight that you once thought was impossible to lift. With time and consistency, the work will pay off and results will soon be there. One piece of advice I would give is to track your progress, you would be amazed to see how your body adjusts to the stimulus. 

5-Can help you get better in other sports 
Developing stronger muscles can help you perform better in other sports. For instance, stronger legs can help you to jump higher, run faster.

6-Improves strength & endurance 
You can work strength and endurance while weightlifting by having sessions focusing on heavy sets with less reps and others with higher rep counts and less weight. 

7-Increases bone density (strengthen bones)
Growing old does not mean you have to grow weak; weight training helps you maintain muscle and bone mass, as well as decreasing risk of osteoporosis in women. Slow down the process by integrating an adapted weightlifting workout to your needs and abilities.

8-Boosts confidence, mental & cognitive health / mentally stronger
Weightlifting is a known confidence-booster as you see results on your progress, your body and your mind/mood. 
It also helps reduce stress, anxiety & depression. In fact, regular strength training shows that lifters had lower stress levels, were calmer and were more focused. 

9-Improves sleep
Search show that people weightlifting were able to fall asleep faster and improve the quality of their sleep.

10-Increases energy levels / stamina
Weight training provides a long-lasting energy boost effect after your session ends. You feel more energised and more in control of the way your day goes.

11-Builds muscles and help lose fat 
It helps improving body composition by increasing muscle mass and reduce body fat. Sculpting your body is a long process but changes can be seen over time and are worth the wait and efforts. 

12-Is a good calorie burn 
Weightlifting, especially big compound movements, recruit big muscles or several muscles to complete a lift. As such, your body will burn more calories during your workout. Your body will also continue to burn calories after your session has ended, which makes it a good calorie burner. 

13-Boost metabolism & immune system
A good balance of your nutrition, rest and exercise will help improve your body’s ability to fight off infections and illnesses. 
Weightlifting as High Intensity Training are known to boost your metabolism long after your session ended. 

14-Improves heart health / Reduces risks of other disease 
Many studies show that risk of heart disease and other cardio related illnesses is decreased in those who practice weight training (lower resting heart rate and blood pressure levels over time etc)

15-Helps to feel better, have a higher self-esteem, feel empowered
By constantly challenging yourself to do things you never thought possible, by seeing the results of your training your confidence grows. Weightlifting empowers you in a way that you will want to continue over time.

In a few words, Strength training is amazing for your health and overall fitness.
If you haven’t integrated weightlifting in your workout routine, give it a go and do not miss out on its benefits in the short, medium and long term. This is a way to preserve our body and slow down the process as we age. Aim to be and stay fit for as long as possible. Your body will thank you for it.

If you are looking for further guidance or advice, don't wait and contact us at 

By Karina Guillou
26 April 2020

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